My Certificates

Educational Degrees

Bachelor of Engineering | 2002, Institution: Helwan University, Egypt – Department: Electrical Power

Graduation Certificate - Arabic Version
Graduation Certificate - English Version

Experience Certificates

Experience Certificate with Systra - Dubai - UAE (Metro Dubai)
Experience Certificate with Hill - Cairo - Egypt (Cairo Monorail)
Experience Certificate with Tangram, Abu Dhabi - UAE
Experience Certificate with Tangram, Doha - Qatar
Experience Certificate with MAN International - Alger - Algeria
Experience Certificate with MAN International - Alger - Algeria

Courses and Trainings

PMP (Project Management Professional) Institution: Project Management Institute (PMI)
RMP (Risk Management Professional)
Certificate from Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority on the occasion of the Track Test - Metro Dubai
Fiber Splice Equipment, Fiber Splicing and Installation of Hood Sleeve LH 4/12K ⚬ Institution: CCS CORNING CABLE SYSTEMS GmbH & Co KG (in Algeria)